Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! This year is the Year of the Dog. I’m not sure what the zodiac horoscopes say about the year ahead (depends on your own zodiac and year etc), but I wish you plenty of good luck and good fortune, plus the strength to face any challenges ahead.

I was lucky to have a sleep-in this morning before The Parents and I visited the local temple (braving all the crowds) and we saw these 8 lions dancing. Lion dances are said to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck to the audience, so super lucky us! We lit incense, paid our respects and even had time to buy a treat before heading home.

If you don’t celebrate Lunar New Year, then happy Friday! Hope you have a great day, whether you celebrate or not.

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